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G3 Monster High Hand Fix

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If you read my review on Abbey you might have noticed that I have a problem with the new G3 Monster High hands.  Someone suggested I contact Mattel's customer service for replacement hands, so I'll pass on that advice to anyone who has already had hands snapping off like me!

But, being a customizer and dolly doctor, I sat down with my dolls and did some experiments to see if I could find a preventative fix.  I did, and it's pretty easy, so let me show you how:

G3 Monster High hand fix mod

Examining the wrist, it seems like the issue is the knob on the hand peg is just too big.  I first tried to make it smaller with some sandpaper, but I found it very hard to sand only the knob and not the shaft, so I pulled out my razor blade.

Holding the hands by the hand on a cutting mat and carefully cutting AWAY from myself, I gradually shaved down the knob and put it back in the doll arm to see what the sweet spot for friction is. 

You can easily shave down the knob to half the size and it doesn't decrease the friction noticeably.  Shave it down completely and it goes back into the arm fine, stays in fine, but also comes out just as easily. 

The ideal knob size seems to be ALMOST completely gone, but with a slight ridge left along the far end (which sort of naturally happens when you are cutting away from yourself).  This is to get a hand that comes out only by pulling on the hand, but not with enough force to warp the wrist.  It's slightly snugger than the original Monster High/Ever After High hands.

And that's it!  Once I figured out how much I needed to remove, I took care of all the hands remaining among my G3 Monster High dolls at a rate of about 1 minute/hand.

If you decide to give it a try, remember to CUT AWAY from yourself and follow all safety rules for using sharp objects.  Don't play fast and loose with safety rules!  Even if you do, accidents can happen so attempt this mod at your own (and your dolls') risk. 


Bonus! I customized my Abbey to look more like her promotional pictures.  She's had her hair restyled to show her horns, eye wonk fixed, and dog nose removed and replaced with blushing on her nose and cheeks.  Plus new clothes made from the Modern Hanfu pattern!

Custom Monster High Doll Abbey Bominable tweaked to look like promotional images with new doll clothes