Happy 2025!
My personal new years resolution this year is to get better at video. I'm notoriously bad with a camera.
You know those people who can pick up a crap camera and just take great pictures without careful posing and lighting? I'm the opposite. Classes, good camera, lights, tripods, lots of practice, and everything ALWAYS looks worse in my pictures than it does IRL.
My method of getting pictures for pattern stuff is to take many. At least 10x more than most people would trying to get the same shot, pick the least bad one, and clean up the white balance and lighting in photoshop until it looks OK.
I'm really hoping that's not going to be the case for video, but that's why I've been avoiding it for a while.
So this year, my resolution is to do video!
I'm planning to start with interactive live streams so that I can take questions and demonstrate things on request. The videos will probably not be pretty, but they will be full of good info.
Hopefully, this will help out those of you who have resolved to learn to sew doll stuff, or to get better at sewing doll stuff and we can all help each other out in 2025.
If there is something you would like to see demonstrated, click that chat box in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and let me know!
Schedule of live streams to be posted as soon as I work it out :)