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1/3 10th Anniversary Pattern

Regular price $9.99

OMG 10 years!
To thank my awesome fans, I did a contest where the winner's design was turned into a free pattern.  THIS IS THAT PATTERN!  Stick it in your cart and use the code "10YEARS" to get it free with any order :)
You can only get 1 free pattern with each order.  More patterns in other doll sizes to come!
Patterns Included: Layering blouse with chunky collar in lace/no lace trim, gathered sleeves, pinafore in 1 piece or with insert, skirt with box gathers in 1-piece or paneled, can also be sewn as box pleats or traditional gathers.

Supplies needed: 1/3 yard fabric, thread/sewing supplies
Difficulty: Easy-Intermediate.  Some options are more difficult than others, easy options indicated in pattern.  This pattern has tons of photos and walks you through every step!

You will get a link to the .pdf file to download on checkout as well as in your order confirmation email.  You can buy/download/print and get started in minutes!

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