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Minifee Corsets & Bustier

Regular price $7.99

This pattern will let you make a bustier corset with bra cups, a long-line underbust corset, and a waist cincher corset for your Active Line and Moe Minifee dolls!

Patterns included: Underbust corset, waist-cincher, and bustier for Minifees.  Because corsets need to fit like a second skin, this pattern is much more doll-specific. Corsets can be put on other dolls with similar dimensions, but will not lace up with a perfect fit. 
Supplies needed: 1/4 yard fabric, thread/general sewing supplies, thin fusible interfacing, fine cord or embroidery floss (for laces).  Corsets can be finished with eyelets or looped lace for easier making.

Difficulty: Advanced.  Corsets are easy to sew together, but need very precise seam allowances and topstitching to come out well.  You can also check out the 'Tutorials' section for free resources on sewing and sizing.

You will get a link to the .pdf file to download on checkout as well as in your order confirmation email.  You can buy/download/print and get started in minutes!