12th Anniversary Sale! All patterns 10% off 3+, 15% off 6+, 20% off 9+ or 25% off 12+

Petite: Level Up!

Regular price $6.99

Want to learn to sew for dolls?  Start here!

This pattern is designed to introduce newbies (adults AND kids) to all of the major techniques used in doll clothes sewing.  Each technique can be tried individually or with other techniques to to mix and match all different kinds of styles.

Patterns Included: Sheath dress with plain, ruffle, or pleated bottom, 2 necklines, chemisette, pointed and round collars, straight or puffed sleeves in short, 3/4, or full lengths.

Supplies needed: 1/4 yard fabric, thread/sewing supplies
Difficulty: Easy!  This pattern has tons of photos and walks you through every step!

You will get a link to the .pdf file to download on checkout as well as in your order confirmation email.  You can buy/download/print and get started in minutes!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Thank you!!!

There may be some overlap from my other reviews - ah, the joys of cut and paste!
While perusing your site, I re-read the sizing information for each doll group. Somehow, I managed to miss the fact that this size could fit Skipper(R) dolls. Since I have four different bodies for this doll, I look forward to testing this out. It also means that I will have to look at the other patterns in this group...
This pattern, Level Up!, is fantastic for the step by step detail that has been provided, as I'm sure others have commented. It encourages those new to the craft and is a great starting point for those who are more experienced and/or creative. I should also mention that I hand sew many of the outfits I've made from your other patterns, despite having a sewing machine, so one need not be discouraged if they don't have a machine at their disposal.
Thank you so much for this; your work is truly appreciated!