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Tiny Pear Legcessories for Chimikko & Imomo Vinyl BJD Dolls - Tights, Leggings, Socks, Stockings - Downloadable RAD Doll Clothes PDF Sewing Pattern

Regular price $4.99

This is an easy accessory pack of leg wear! You can make tights, leggings, stockings & socks with different lengths like thigh high, ankle, etc. A great, easy, fast-sewing pattern for all your leggy needs.

This pattern fits kid-shaped dolls with wide hips like DD Chimikko and 1/6 Imomo dolls (at different print sizes).

Patterns Included: Tights, Legging, sock pattern in different lengths/cuts
Difficulty: Easy. Super easy to sew by hand, and tips included to help make sewing thin material easier on machine.
Supplies needed: 1/4 yard fabric, thread/sewing supplies
Difficulty: Easy-intermediate.  All difficulty comes from sewing stretchy fabric.  Multiple methods/tips included to make it easier.

You will get a link to the .pdf file to download on checkout as well as in your order confirmation.  You can buy/download/print and get started in minutes!

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