12th Anniversary Sale! All patterns 10% off 3+, 15% off 6+, 20% off 9+ or 25% off 12+

Jackets & Lab Coats

Regular price $5.99

Cloth jackets look great on action figures! You can take them off/put them on to change a figure's look without having to customize a whole new figure.  Cloth is also superior to sculpt because it's lightweight and doesn't affect the balance or poseability.

Patterns included: Jacket with simplified and detailed versions, as well as length/cut options for different looks
Supplies needed: 1/8 yard fabric or less, thread, fabric glue

Difficulty: This pattern is designed to be especially easy to grasp for beginners (most of it can be done using fabric glue instead of sewing). You can also check out the 'Tutorials' section for free resources on sewing and sizing.

You will get a link to the .pdf file to download on checkout as well as in your order confirmation.  You can buy/download/print and get started in minutes!