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Extreme Customization Pt 3 (Finishing Touches)

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Part 3 of extreme customization! (See parts 1 and 2) Pullip Junk has a thing for Joker, and when this doll started coming out creepy instead of cute, asked me to finish it in Duela Dent style, which was basically 'whatever you want, but joker-ish plz' The outfit took me about 7 hours to do. Duela is on a 25cm obitsu, a body I haven't worked with before. It's 'teen' sized. The shorter body seemed to fit her personality better. Not quite the moxie of an adult shaped type 1, but still a bit more energetic in feel than a...

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Extreme Customizing Pt 2 (Wig Making)

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Wigmaking is one of those things I can do, but prefer not to if at all possible. It's tedious, takes a long time, generally more expensive to buy wefts of hair than to buy a pre-made wig, and HAIR GETS EVERYWHERE! But sometimes, for that particular look, you gotta do what you gotta do. (part two of Extreme Customization) There are fewer places to buy wefted hair than doll wigs, these days. I bought mine from coolcat (see links) shops. There's also one My Little Pony customizing store that sells wefts of hair, but at pony sizes, which is around...

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Extreme Customizing Pt 1 (Working with what you got)

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...most of the 'extreme' part happened before I got the doll, I admit. A bit over a year ago I ended up getting a batch of really nasty damaged doll heads. Sadly, this was the least damaged of bunch. I've been gradually working to repair them, because a) I like a challenge and b) if they're already ruined, I don't feel bad for doing more risky customization. The first step with any kind of situation like this is to see what can be salvaged, so I stripped off multiple layers of paint to see what was underneath. The head was...

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